Head Office

L 13, 50 Cavill Ave., Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Australia

Call Now to Start your Immigration Today!

Phone: + 61 7 5635 4244


The Visa Master Service is the most comprehensive visa application service available only from Visamagnet, designed for clients who wish to save time, costs and avoid the stress and uncertainty that people experience when applying for a visa. Our experienced registered migration agent will gather all the information required to prepare your application. Your visa expert will prepare and lodge the visa application on your behalf, liaise with the processing authorities and keep you informed of the progress of your application. By managing the application from start to finish, we will make your migration experience as simple as possible, and help you avoid any potential pitfalls that could put the success of your application at risk. This service will free you of the worry of the visa application process, allowing you to focus on your journey

What's included in this service?

  • Detailed personal assessment: Our experienced migration will review your case in detail and will provide:
  • A thorough review of your personal profile in accordance with current Australian immigration laws, including an opinion regarding the strengths of your case
  • An explanation of whether you satisfy the requirements of the visa category you selected
  • Our expert opinion on your ability to satisfy the visa criteria, and if appropriate, advice regarding how to increase your chance of success
  • The requirements and procedure to follow for your particular visa category
  • Request and review all documentation from you and work with you to prepare all relevant forms
  • Liaise with any external bodies and inform you of any assessments or tests you must complete prior to the lodgement of your visa application
  • Advice on processing times and costs payable in relation to your application

For applications under SkillSelect our service includes the complete preparation and lodgment of your skills assessment application with the relevant skills assessing authority.

  • Planning and preparation:We will work with you to prepare your application, monitor your progress and keep you on track. We will assist you with:
  • Drafting and perusing documents
  • Obtaining adequate documentary evidence to satisfy all the specific visa requirements before lodging any applications
  • Finalising all the relevant forms
  • Preparing a detailed submission addressing the legislative requirements

Application submission:

We will submit your decision-ready application online or deliver it to the relevant onshore or offshore immigration office.

  • Monitoring the progress of your application:

After your application has been submitted, it will go through several stages, such as acknowledgement, allocation of a reference number, possible interview and request of additional evidence.  We will keep you updated every step of the way and provide detailed information regarding the progress of your application. Our constant monitoring ensures that your application is handled correctly and processed as quickly as possible.

  • Decision

We will contact you as soon as we receive a decision. In addition, we will provide you with advice on your next steps.

The Visamagnet Difference- You will also receive:

  • Three complimentary 30 minutes Skype or phone consultations with our migration agent to discuss the details of your application or other visa-related questions you may have
  • Career consultation and professional Australian-style CV and cover letter
  • Access to the most advanced IELTS Online General or Academic Test Preparation Course – unlimited access
  • Preparation and lodgment of Australian citizenship application (once criteria satisfied)
  • Settlement information that will assist you upon arrival in Australia, including information on job search, taxation, banking, Medicare, health insurance, driver licence, housing, transportation and more

We here at Visamagnet are ready to put our knowledge and experience to work for you.

How to get started in 3 simple steps:

  1. Contact us and let us know that you want us to manage your application from the start to finish
  2. Receive instructions and make payment
  3. Provide us with documents

and you can start planning your new life in Australia.

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